AI Vs. Solopreneurs: 7 Reasons Why You'll Win The War!

So AI is here to stay, right? AI is not going away anytime soon. We can either adopt it and use it to our best interest. Or we can be negative towards it and feel hateful and feel like it's not going to help us.

AI is a disruptor. It's going to disrupt many industries, including website design, branding, etc. It's going to affect a lot of people. But what this blog is about and what we hope we can portray in this message is that AI can enhance your entrepreneurial journey. It's going to be something that we could either create as a negative outlook, or ultimately, it's a tool that we can use to propel our business to the next level. 

But wait, if you’re not a fan of reading a whole blog post, you can watch (or listen) to our podcast instead, linked here ⬇️


AI has no purpose

And the first thing I really want to talk about is that AI has no motivation. It has no purpose. It isn't there to contribute to the world positively, like an entrepreneur or a solopreneur can do. And that's the difference between what a robot can do, and what a solopreneur or a human being can do. Your passion and your purpose is going to give your business a sense of meaning.

Simply put, AI doesn't have that empathy or understanding. Only you as a solopreneur has that ability.

The biggest difference between a human being and a robot is the fact that we are driven by a purpose, a ‘why’,  and some kind of emotional connection.

Whereas a robot is instructed to do something, and it spits out an output or a result. That's a significant difference between humans and AI. What is it that makes people want to work with us or any of our other business owner friends? Not only because of the product or service, but it really is them that people want to work with, their personality, what drives them and what they stand for. 

And that's why we've got clients flocking to us, even in this age of AI. 

Let’s talk about our favorite creators. You don't watch your favorite solopreneur or creator on YouTube because of information. It's highly likely that you watch them because of the entertainment. You watch them because they lift you up, and because they transform your way of being around a certain topic. And it's that kind of emotional connection that us human beings really resonate to. It's the motivation and the purpose of that content creator, that a robot right now doesn't have. 

Software which uses AI, can’t replicate a human emotion or human motivation and the body, soul, mind and spirit of a human being.


AI doesn’t possess leadership

Secondly, AI doesn't possess human leadership. And today in the world, one can argue that we’re lacking a sense of leadership. We're lacking people to look up to. 

More and more people tend to go towards YouTubers, podcast creators and bloggers because they're more authentic and they show authentic leadership and they show genuine emotion, value and experience to their business, which can create relatability and a trustworthy brand.

As it stands today, AI can’t replicate authentic leadership. You get out of it as good as you give. So we use it at times for copy and it does entirely depend on our skills as copywriters too, to identify what sounds authentic and what doesn’t. And quite often we end up writing our own copy for social media, blog posts and Youtube video descriptions because it feels far more authentic.

However, AI can be really great for giving you ideas, to get you started. 

AI lacks storytelling

There are many people you probably follow online because of various reasons, but a huge aspect is storytelling, and what experiences and knowledge is shared. Artificial intelligence really lacks that personal touch. 

We can relate to a few YouTubers because of their personal journey from employment to starting their own businesses. We ourselves come from a corporate background. We used to be engineers and are now creating content, making YouTube videos and designing websites. And so now there is a relatedness with other people & brands.

Do we think AI will ever replace this storytelling, no we don’t think so.

Everybody has a unique story, a unique journey, a unique struggle, and a unique triumph. And it's up to us to portray that or present that across to the audience and that's something that AI can't replicate. 



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    AI doesn’t have empathy

    Empathy is another human trait. We don't believe that AI or a robot can fully empathize with what it is that I (specifically) might be going through.

    Although a lot of industries and roles have been replaced by AI, it's important to understand that as solopreneurs and entrepreneurs can create that human connection. And that's something that people are looking for more and more.  

    It’s important now more than ever, to build your personal brand, and create that empathy with your audience.

    AI can’t create community

    Creating a community, with connections from one human being to another, is something only we human beings can create.  AI can't cultivate a community or a tribe. It can't nurture a community around your business. And it doesn't have authentic connections or commitment to adding value beyond the products and services.

    Something makes us entrepreneurs & solopreneurs especially so interesting, compared to traditional & larger corporate businesses like Coca Cola, Nestle, or Unilever. They're big companies and they're doing really well, sure. But the thing that makes smaller businesses unique, is the community that they can cultivate.

    One of our favorite entrepreneurs is Sarah Blakely, the founder and inventor of Spanx, and just the level of a following that she has created, and on her own, is incredible, in the space of just 20 years.


    AI can’t give back

    As we touched on earlier, AI doesn’t have the power to lead and so it AI lacks the moral compass to give back to communities.

    We can make comparisons with creators like Mr. Beast and the amount of philanthropy and charity work he does, and just how much he gives back to people in need. 

    Many businesses can think about their impact on the environment and socially, and the ethical business practices that they follow. As a solopreneur or entrepreneur, that can be your superpower which can take you to the next level, and people can resonate with you even more because of that ethical business practice.

    That's one thing that can differentiate you, again, from those people that are just creating content using AI, spewing out loads of content for the sake of it.

    AI alone, doesn’t inspire others

    Does AI content move, touch, and inspire you? 

    If the content you're creating doesn't make a life changing effect on your audience, and it doesn’t inspire you to create your own business, write your own book, create your own YouTube channel, then it probably won't be an effective piece of content. 

    Ultimately you want to motivate others to create a ripple effect of positive change that extends far beyond what your business is. That's the power of solopreneurs and entrepreneurs.

    It’s your ability to really inspire, motivate and touch other people, such as your audience and your clients.

    Ultimately AI is just a tool and it’s neither good nor bad, and it can either be used for good or just to create content for the sake of it.

    If we’re being honest, there have been very few times that AI has given us something which really touched and inspired us.

    However it's great for idea generations for your social media posts, podcast, YouTube video or blog post.

    Don’t be afraid of it, but instead use it to elevate your businesses and personal brands. In fact, now is the time to really work on your business & brand more than ever, to build these connections, communities, and also take the opportunity to give back in some way.


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